6 Hour Live Tapping Intensive To Clear Blocks To Money, Wealth & Abundance
Special Event For All Those Who Donated To The Peaceful Heart Network As Part Of The 24 Hour Live Tapping Event
USA - Friday 11th August
3pm PST / 6pm EST
Australia - Saturday 12th August
8am Brisbane / Sydney

You missed out!
6 hours of live tapping to clear your blocks to money, wealth and abundance and includes the full recordings at no extra cost!
A Transformational Event Like No Other
Reserve Your Seat Now
What Others say

"When this event first crossed my path, I was sceptical of what it could really do, however when I knew it was an event with Marguerita from PitBull Mindset, I knew I was in for a change of an experience. What this group coaching did in the arena of tapping on money and mindset really touched on some deep issues not only for me however for everyone. Each of us bought a unique awareness around our money issues and layer upon layer there was shift occurring for us all. We the clients were not aware of the impact as the situations unfolded. We all recognised our own issues around the topic only at different depths and this tapping experience truly gave clarity on a level never experienced before. Some shifted issues around impacts from childhood beliefs and even linage from our past to want us to all let go of the internal pain and chatter.
Marguerita, has a wonderful knowledge of what tapping is about and bought the session in with a landing that was a credit to her ability. I am still feeling the effects of this group coaching that truly identified what I was searching for. If I may share one piece of information and that is be open to what this technique can do and be ready to make a change and know from the bottom of your heart, if you are not at your core root then Marguerita will know and always asks a different question that opens the spirit to release all."

"I attended a tapathon and wow! I felt different, I worked on blocks I was not conscious I had. I benefited so much from the experience. I was even asked the next morning if something was different about me? I just looked and felt lighter. Highly recommend this lady."

" Hi, working with Marguerita was an amazing experience. In just in the first session she helped me to get so much clarity about creating and growing my business. I came from being overwhelmed to getting some really strong and clear points on how to move my business to the next level. She is a very focused and highly motivated coach with tones of experience. She also helped motivate me to go into action now!
I am very grateful to be able to work with Marguerita. Gaia"
Meet Your Host
Marguerita Vorobioff
Mindset Coach
Marguerita is the founder of the Wealth Consciousness Movement and the Global Online Business Academy.
Her wide variety of gifts and expertise as a Mindset Coach, Global Entrepreneur, EFT Tapping Practitioner, Light Worker, International Speaker, Sound & Energy Healer and Author enable her to work with almost any conscious entrepreneur and guide them in the right direction to create their signature wealth formula.
Disclaimer: EFT Tapping is considered an experimental therapeutic technique. We make no claims or representation that by attending the event and using the strategies that you will earn money or recoup your investment. All content and the testimonials are hereby used for educational and illustrative purposes only, they are not intended to incite sales. While they may show real experiences from paying students, all attendees will experience a broad variety of results, and your experience will vary based upon the effort and education of yourself and the specific actions you take following the event. While any testimonials used are real, these results are not typical and we make no earnings or return on investment claims. This is an event to help people who are committed to their personal and business growth and development and achieving their goals.